All online exhibits
Online exhibits from the Wangensteen

Exhibits at Wangensteen
This StoryMap chronicles the exhibits produced by the Wangensteen from 2011 to 2019, and shows how those exhibits grew to be bigger than the glass cases in which they were displayed.

Leonardo da Vinci at 500
This extensive online exhibit explores the anatomical works of Leonardo Da Vinci and his contemporaries in honor of the 500th anniversary of his birth.

Downton Abbey: Behind the Scenes of Health and Illness
Medical themes are threaded throughout Masterpiece Theater’s wildly popular Downton Abbey, from Matthew’s temporary paralysis during the Great War to Sybil’s tragic death from eclampsia. The Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine’s holdings come together in "Downton Abbey: Behind the Scenes of Health and Illness" to illuminate the medicine of Edwardian England.

Secret Lives of Books
In this exhibit, we celebrate the stories of the books contained in the Wangensteen Historical Library at the University of Minnesota. Viewers will learn about the complex histories of books. Looking beyond their content, the exhibit explores the stories woven in their bindings, and the comments written on their pages by readers.

Underwater explores humans, health, and science in watery spaces. Discover what voyagers encountered on the sea and how interactions in and around water have been the harbinger of health and illness across the centuries.

The History of Infant Feeding
This timeline provides users with information concerning infant feeding, beginning c. 4,000 years ago, concluding at present day.
Student-made online exhibits

Journeying through a 17th century apothecary manuscript
This exhibit is centered on a 17th-century apothecary manuscript from Toulouse, France, and a student’s research project involving translating the manuscript and mapping where in the world the ingredients may have been sourced.

A woodcut above the rest
This student-made StoryMap tracks reused woodcut images across multiple sixteenth-century herbals.

Birds of the Pacific
1842 USS Porpoise sea voyage physician's letters showcase student innovation and creativity and inspire award winning technology rich GIS StoryMap of bird sightings.

Marginalia: through the looking glass
This student-made StoryMap explores examples of marginalia from the Wangensteen's collection, revealing how readers have interacted with these books over time.

Health and clothing
This project was created to highlight the various ways that clothing interacts with our health.
Physical exhibits
View our current and past physical exhibits that feature the Wangensteen Historical Library collections.