Art@HSL procedures and policies


The Health Sciences Libraries provides opportunities for informational, cultural and intellectual growth through the exhibit of displays, artifacts, works of art and other materials. Exhibits and art displays on loan in the library will create an inviting environment for users, stimulate academic discourse, and integrate the library more fully into campus life.

Exhibit space

Three exhibit wall spaces are available (Width 16’, 14’, 6’ X Height 8’) with overhead directional lighting. The Walker Display Artwork Hanging System is available to display art. Other spaces may be available for sculptures or other non-hanging art.


Selection criteria

The Health Sciences Libraries Art Exhibit Committee will select and schedule all exhibits. Exhibits are chosen based on the criteria listed below. HSL reserves the right to refuse or remove an exhibit.

Artist responsibilities (after acceptance)

Promotion of the union of art and medicine.

If an artist/exhibitor would like to host an opening reception for their display, the date and time of the opening must be negotiated with HSL. For questions about receptions, please contact Katherine Chew at (612) 626-3017.

Conditions governing loans to the Health Sciences Libraries (HSL)


Related staff