Building information

Building directions

Tunnel-level, wheelchair accessible entrance to Moos Tower (U Card required)

  • Nearest wheelchair accessible parking is located in the Washington Avenue Ramp.
  • Take the tunnel from the Washington Avenue Ramp or descend the stairs from Washington Avenue to enter the tunnel level (2nd floor) of Moos Tower. 
  • Go down the main tunnel corridor to the elevator bank located across the tunnel hallway from Freshii.
  • Take the elevator to the 5th floor. Exit the elevator and go down the hallway toward the soft seating area. Turn left at the end of the hallway.
    • For the Library services desk, 1:Button video recording studios, the Commons, and Data + Visualization Lab, continue down the corridor.
    • To reach the Quiet Study area, Makerspace, and Virtual Reality Studio, continue over the bridge to the Health Sciences Education Building.

Street level to Health Sciences Education Center (U Card required)

  • From the SW corner of Harvard Avenue and Delaware Street SE, enter the Health Sciences Education Center.
  • Take a right down the main corridor, then take a left, following signs for elevators. Take the elevator to the 5th floor. Exit the elevator and go to the main corridor.
    • For the Library services desk, 1:Button video recording studios, the Commons, and Data + Visualization Lab, turn left and continue across the bridge to the Phillips-Wangensteen Building.
    • To reach the Quiet Study area, Makerspace, and Virtual Reality Studio, turn right.

Street level to Phillips-Wangensteen Building (Delaware turnaround) (U Card required)

  • Enter the Phillips-Wangensteen Building from the Delaware Street SE entrance near the traffic circle.
  • Turn right and continue to the end of the hallway. Take the bank of elevators on your left to the 5th floor. Exit the elevator and go down the hallway toward the soft seating area. Turn left at the end of the hallway.
    • For the Library services desk, 1:Button video recording studios, the Commons, and Data + Visualization Lab, continue down the corridor.
    • To reach the Quiet Study area, Makerspace, and Virtual Reality Studio, continue over the bridge to the Health Sciences Education Building

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